BQH: Beyond Quantum Healing

  • what is quantum hypnosis?

BQH Hypnosis is a self-discovery journey beyond the barriers of space & time, where visits of past-lives are possible.

Beyond physical body & mental mind, the heart or "soul" is the core essence of the being. Reconnecting to this aspect of oneself allows us to better understand where we came from, who we are and where we are going which allows us to:

  • Find answers to our questions

  • Develop psychic abilities

  • Understand our place in the universe

BQH (Beyond Quantum Healing) is a method of consciousness exploration through the Higher-Self.

  • what is the higher-self?

The "Higher-Self" is connected to everything that has ever existed, exists, and will ever exist.

An infinite source of profound wisdom and infinite knowledge lies in each of us and is accessible to all of us. To connect to one's Higher-Self is to hear the subtle messages coming from the core of our beings.

This divine part of ourselves refines space & time to express oneself through soul expansion & powerful healing. By going under a state of hypnosis through the core essence, the heart, it is possible to contact any aspects that is connected to us, in any shape or form.

Through a BQH session, we can encounter Spirit Guides, beings of light, Ascended Masters & Boddhisatvas, totems animals, fantastic creatures, ancestors and any energies guiding us on our soul path.


What is it like to be under hypnosis

The trance state is a natural state that we visit on a daily basis: when getting up, falling asleep, watching a movie or even simply driving.

In this state, we are in tune with our own inner world & able to kickstart profound changes for ourselves.

Alpha and Theta brain waves have been scientifically studied and are of service in BQH sessions. They are a powerful personal development tool known around the world for their potential.

Today, anyone can access them on their own or with the help of a hypnosis practitioner.

Learn more about our practitioners 🌱

Note: It is impossible to alter one's subconscious for harmful purposes without their full consent. Although relaxed, in a state of trance, the person is fully conscious, and remains under the control of his own consciousness.


hypnosis session Layout

During hypnosis sessions, the person is invited to lie down comfortably,

Then explores his/her own inner worlds, like in a lucid dream but in complete safety with the support of the practitioner.

The Subconscious guides the explorers through the scenes of a specific chapter that resonates with the life of the person and what they are going through. It is then possible to visit memories of past lives, of our current life and even beyond such as existences in-between lives, hence the "quantum" aspect.

The person channels messages from their own inner worlds, answering their own questions themselves. An energy boost is also delivered to support the person through their journey ahead, like a powerful energy healing rush.

An audio/video recording is sent at the end of the session.

Note: Remote sessions take place the same way.


Pricing: 400 Euros
Duration: 4H