Distance Healing Session

How does distance healing work?

How does energy go through time and space?

Can Reiki be sent from a distance?

We’ve got the answer for you →



Distant Reiki sessions are just as effective as face-to-face ones.

This is also the case with BQH sessions.

Indeed, several ancestral traditions already practiced distant energy healing for a long time before us.

With the improvement of technology and the birth of the Internet, our planet Earth is on the cusp of an important healing era.

For those who:

  • wish to experience something new

  • are unable to move

  • prefer to stay in the comfort of their own home

Distant session layout:

  • Audio or video call (ZOOM)

  • Interview

  • Energy healing

  • Debrief

It is reassuring to be in the comfort of your own home, although you may wonder,


How does it work?

imagine that you are on the phone with a person whom you appreciate: this exchange makes you happy. If it is indeed possible to exchange joy across thousands of kilometers ...

What about the universal life energy?

During remote sessions, quantum principles are at work. The practitioner transmits the natural energy of Reiki allowing healing to take place. In accordance with universal laws, the energy reaches the recipient's auric field 100% of the time.

What are these laws & principles?

The universe is ruled by metaphysical laws: that which is above the physical. In everyday life, we use them without realizing it, but they are very present. Being conscious of them is a plus.


Metaphysical Laws

  • Emptiness is the only clear state

Reiki practitioners follow a training which involves emptying the mind and inviting the universal energy.

This is Gassho: in this state of mindfulness it is possible to maintain a clear intention as well as a focused attention towards the person for whom healing is intended.

Like a white canvas, the practitioner must be clear before starting their work.

  • When mind is centered, energy gathers.

While the intention lays in subconscious and acts like a GPS to which a destination has been added (put it down and don't think about it anymore), attention is superconscious and maintained with the mind all throughout an energy healing session.

Intention is Yin (subconscious). Attention is Yang (superconscious)

A great deal of spiritual & psychic training is required in order to maintain this state of relaxed focus.

The union of the two polarities greatly concentrates the energy towards the recipient.

  • Energy follows thought

By having set the intention & maintaining the attention on the receiver, this one may receive all the channeled energy.


Universal Principles

  • Law of Presence

Energy exchanges are amplified when both people are present, in consciousness.

One is giving (Yang) and the other is receiving (Yin).

  • Law of Compassion

Love is the highest energy. It is also the only energy that has the potential to heal & to create.

A healing facilitator must cultivate a state of sincere compassion during these sessions, which grants the channeled energy a very high quality frequency with increased healing potential.

  • Free will is absolute

For any kind of healing work, it is necessary to have the consent of the person. Otherwise energy-work becomes manipulative and deviate from authentic healing.

In today's modern age, remote energy healing is proving to be very effective, many practitioners & clients have noticed it.

Reiki or BQH Quantum Hypnosis sessions have been proved to work just as well, whether in person or remotely.



Prepare for your Reiki Session


Prepare for your Hypnosis Session