Prepare for your Hypnosis Session

Are you wondering how to get ready for your BQH, QHHT Hypnosis session?

Here is a simple and comprehensive guide made for you! 🌱



BQH Quantum Hypnosis is an experience that allows you to connect directly to the essence of your being, where all answers await you and where all healing is possible.

You will be an explorer of your own consciousness!

Stay reassured, you don't have to do anything special, your practitioner will be there to guide you comfortably and safely. It's a bit like watching a movie ... So let's have fun!


Practical Guide

1️⃣ Intention is key 🗝️

Show up with the intention to heal. Be ready to release anything that no longer serves you.

A well-thought intention directs energy with fantastic results. It is the key to any kind of energy-work.

2️⃣ Stay comfy ✨

On the d-day, dress comfortably. Feel good in your own clothes and avoid makeup/heavy jewelry.

It is simply a matter of feeling comfortable and safe in this realm for self-exploration.

When the feeling is well anchored and the body is relaxed, the gates of the subconscious open easily.

Keep in mind that it is like playing a child game. With a pure & innocent heart, all doors are unlocked.

3️⃣ Cultivate sobriety 🍵

Avoid drinking alcohol/taking recreational drugs 24 hours prior to your session.

On the d-day, slow down on tea/coffee too and anything that fastens your heart rate.


Good to know

  • You can prepare a list of questions 🖋️

    …you wish to ask to your Guides & Higher-self. There are no limits to these questions (spiritual, personal, relational, etc.)

  • Free yourself from your expectations 🤍

    …before the day of your session. To do this, practice deep breathing & mindfulness meditation.

  • For remote sessions on ZOOM 💻

    Test your audio / video configuration so that the quality is good when you are in a state of rest: on your bed, sofa... You will be lying down or sitting.



Distance Healing Session