How to Cleanse a Space’s energy?

How to cleanse your apartment, house?

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How to cleanse a space’s energy?

Everything you need to know is here ⤵


It can be difficult to cultivate high vibrations when our environment itself does not reflect that quality.

When we do not take care of our living spaces, its energy deteriorates and so does our.

Taking care of our home and cleansing it, can act as powerful healing for ourselves and allow new beginnings to express themselves.


Space Energy Cleansing : Quick Guide


  1. Bring LIGHT

Sunlight brings life.

We are similar to plants in many ways: needing water, food, and natural light.


When plants have difficulty thriving due to lack of light, they tend to have long thin and fragile stems because from the shade they desperately seek to reach a ray of light. It is important to allow sunlight to fill our space in order to bring life to it.

  • During the day, open your curtains, curtains and shutters.

  • Don't stay in the dark when it’s daytime.

  • Do not block your windows with furniture and invite light into your home.

  • If your schedule allows, be active when the sun is up and rest when it is down. It can be very tiring to stay active at night because we find ourselves "unplugged" from our primary source of energy. (If this is impossible, use candles at night. The natural flames emit infra-reds with natural healing properties)

Everything and everyone needs its daily intake ofabundant natural energy, especially places we call home.

When you allow it to fill to your place, you are blessed with a sense of serenity and gratitude towards this simple thing that is light. Your personal energy will also be strengthened.


2. Invite Fresh Air

Air flow is a simple and effective way to cleanse the energy of a place.

It is by definition, movement.


When we do not have sufficient air flow in our space, the energy becomes stagnant. The vibe can become heavy and it is sometimes even difficult to breathe in there. Moreover, we often need to “get some fresh air” after the expression of negative energy in the room (frustration, anger...). We sometimes forget to take care of this space and simply reestablish the natural air flow.

  • Allowing air to flow in your space, at least a few minutes a day, by opening doors and windows will help you feel better every day.

  • You can light incense or purifying herbs (the smoke produced by these makes it possible to see the movement of energy guided towards the exterior of your dwelling). Incense and plants are also charged with a particular olfactory and vibratory frequency which helps to establish a vibe of wellness during energy cleansings.

It is good to remember that until the problem is solved in itself, cleansing your space in this way will only be effective for a short time. At the same time, we will have to work on our own inner-selves and bring movement to it.

That said, it remains essential to allow the energy of your space to increase in vibration at the same time as your personal energy so as not to risk ending up in a cycle of perpetual "rising-lowering" of our actual levels of happiness.


3. Dissolve Stagnant Energy

Avoid creating "dead corners".

These are spaces that are impossible to access, such as behind certain furnitures. These corners will be more difficult to dust and clean on a regular basis.

Dust is synonymous with stagnation.

In these “dead corners”, air no longer flows and dust accumulates. When our field of vision is blocked by furniture and objects, we forget about it. We then ignore and neglect these parts of ourselves, which symbolically and energetically amounts to ignoring parts of our sacred interior space.

The easiest way to dissolve all these stagnations of energy is to carry out a major cleaning. If we omit one of these problematic corners of our household, it is as if we accept to live with a stagnation in oneself.

Allowing energy to flow more naturally by arranging your furniture with more care is a better solution over time. You need to be able to move freely without your body feeling frustrated from moving. If your body movements are restricted, then there is energy stagnation in the space.


4. Remove Negatively Charged Items

We sometimes surround ourselves with objects that lower our energy levels and prevent us from moving forward.

This happens when we have too many clothes and some of them have not been worn for several years. We think that we will "put it on one day" but that day never really comes. Little by little, this garment becomes negatively charged because we do not give it love or attention. This charge becomes a weight each time the we are confronted with it which tends to tire us when getting dressed (when the day has not yet started). It can also be objects of all kinds (photos, trinkets, gifts, souvenirs ...).

Sorting through our belongings allows us to be more in touch with what is truly essential to us.

Note: Objects with a strong emotional charge are difficult to manage because we don't want to part with them. When this burden sends us back to negative emotions such as regret, disappointment, guilt or sadness, it is wise to detach ourselves from them because in many cases, they are even the ones that prevent us from moving forward. .

The Kondo method is effective in freeing ourselves from charges present in our environment and by resonance, within us. It consists of holding the object in our hands and asking ourselves:

- “Does this give me joy?”

If the answer is yes, then this object radiates a positive charge and has a place in your environment. If the answer is no, then it is stagnant energy. Take a moment to connect with this object and say “Thank you” for all that it has given you. It is then easier to part with it.

Freeing yourself from these emotions will support the healing process.



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