• what is reiki?

Reiki is a Japanese therapeutic healing art based on universal life-force energy channeling of the highest vibration.

Reiki stimulates and awakens our natural self-healing capacities and reinforces our immune system’s potential.

This energy-healing method is applied by laying on of the hands.

It brings wellness and peace to those who receive it and impacts all levels of the self: physical, emotional and spiritual.

  • In Addition to medical treatments

We regularly support cancer patients with Reiki, among them are people with heavy treatments and various physical disorders.

The support that Reiki provides offers people undergoing heavy medical treatments the opportunity to go through them with more comfort and serenity.
It often happens that Reiki soothes the side effects of these harsh treatments and offers the necessary support to overcome them.

In addition to medical care, the benefits of Reiki are numerous and significants.

There are no contraindications to Reiki sessions.

The practice of Reiki does not replace the advice of a health professional,
please consult your doctor for this.

  • the benefits of reiki

Reiki allows flow and balance of the vital energy in a person.

  • harmonizes body & mind

  • provides a feeling of well-being

  • supports the healing process

It also helps release stress and alleviate states of depression and anxiety.

At the end of a Reiki follow-up, the person’s energy often achieves complete harmony and a profound sense of well-being settles in. Often, this state of high personal energy allows us to navigate through the challenges of life with more ease, comfort and security.

Learn more about our practitioners

  • how does a reiki session unfold?

During Reiki sessions, the person is invited to lie down comfortably and the practitioner's hands are placed in the energy field or on the physical body, always respecting the will of the latter.

The person then enters a healing zone of deep relaxation, beyond the barriers of space & time.

where it is possible to harmonize the conscious and unconscious spheres, identify and dissolve energy blockages and drastically raise one's energy level.

Note: These sessions can be carried with sound healing tools and healing crystals.

Remote sessions take place in the same way.


Pricing: 90 Euros
Duration: 2H