Prepare for your Reiki Session

How to prepare for your Reiki Session?

Everything you need to know is here ⤵

Once you set the intention to heal, many great things are on the way.

After booking a Reiki session,

We don't really know what to expect and it can raise a few doubts

Here are the 3 points to know when attending an energy healing session:

(Spoiler - It is reassuring!)

buddhist monk playing tibetan bowl

You Will Get What You Need

You will get what exactly you need from a Reiki healing session. No more, no less.

Reiki is the flow of universal energy present in all things & that habitates all life-forms. It is by definition, natural.

As abundant natural life-force energy, it is spiritually guided to bring harmony where it goes, always reaching to where it needs to be.

Reiki flows in total harnomy with our own energy field: When we are injured, the surgeon comes in to close the wound, but it is our body that actually heals itself. The same goes for any other health problem. Reiki supports and accelerates this process.

  • Reiki heals first what needs healing the most

  • Reiki positively affects the Psyche

  • Reiki can never harm

For you to come into contact with your true nature and learn to embody that feeling, many of those things can manifest.

Trust that you will get exactly what you need, when you need it the most.


the practitionner is a channel

A Reiki practitioner incarnate as a channel between the life-force energy and its receiver.


Reiki is a spiritual practice based on the transmission of an unconditional love frequency vibration. Some call it supernatural or magic but anyone can do it. It is simply a matter of centering consciousness with a specific intention.

Similar to Buddhist monks, Reiki practitioners undergo rigorous and strict mindfulness meditation training. This allows them to direct Reiki with precision to get the best results.

They also live by Reiki principles and virtues that connect their soul and spirit to a quality of unconditional love, the highest frequencies with infinite healing potentials.

A transmission of energy also takes place during the courses to facilitate this training.

water droplet

Nutrition Recommendations:

To get the most out of a Reiki session:

  • Eat healthy

  • Stay well hydrated

  • Avoid caffeine

  • Do not take drugs/alcohol

the day of your session (preferably 3 days prior to it)
for your system to beging cleansing itself.


You don’t have to believe In Anything For it to work

You don’t have to believe in it for it to work.


The energy that is taking place in those sessions is far greater than what our belief systems are made of, so don’t worry.

It won’t affect the session’s outcome. All of it is is not quite understandable by the rational mind, but know that nothing won’t stop the healing forces at work to offer you a transcendetal experience.

Having a peaceful mind coming into the session can of course, help you live a more comfortable experience, but know that it is not so important in the end.

You will be completely forgiven for entering the healing room with a storm of thoughts.



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